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We’ve all heard about the benefits of meditation. Less stress. Longer life span. Sharper memory. Greater happiness. Lower risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. So why isn’t everyone meditating?

  1. It puts them in a deep meditative state in an average of 90 seconds. I’m so excited about the potential of EcoMeditation that I am giving the written steps involved away free to everyone I talk to, to make the benefits of meditation available everywhere. It really works! Get your download link here.
  2. Eco-Meditation - A free guide to the best form of meditation I've found in years of practice I've had a fascination with meditation ever since I saw Rafiki in The Lion King sitting with his legs crossed and eyes closed, wondering why the wisest character in the movie would just sit there.
  3. Traditional meditation is shrouded with so many spiritual and religious beliefs, and takes a lot of practice to master. So all those people, who would reap the health benefits of meditation, miss out. I'm so excited about the potential of EcoMeditation that I have given the instructions — free — to hundreds of thousands of people.

The answer is that meditation is hard. When you sit down and close your eyes, “Monkey Mind” takes over and it’s impossible to still your thoughts. Research shows that most people have tried, but given up. According to the US National Center for Health Statistics, only about 14% of the population has a regular practice.

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Along with other researchers, for years I’ve been looking for a way to make meditation effortless for novices. We’ve studied the brains and bodies of master meditators using tools like EEGs and MRIs. We know exactly what their brain wave, muscle tone and breathing patterns look like.

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One day I had a flash of inspiration. I wondered, “What would happen if a non-meditator sat, breathed, and relaxed exactly the same muscles as a meditation master?” I tried it myself, then with friends, then with large groups of people. The results were astonishing. People dropped into a deep meditative state in 4 minutes or less — no training or belief required.

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Here’s one example:

'All I can say is WOW! I have been meditating often for the last year and have NEVER experienced what I just did while following the audio for EcoMeditation. I spend probably 99% of my day full of anxiety, frustration, fear and anger—just overall burnt out with parenthood and life. I was doubtful I’d have any type of enlightened experience and even kept hearing in my head, “You’re just wasting your time, you can’t get to that place inside of you, you’ve tried a million times before.” But when I sent the beam of love from my heart, I instantly started laughing and tears of pure bliss came out of my eyes. It was absolutely amazing and I will be doing EcoMeditation every day. Feeling that love and bliss is my dream. Thank you again!!!!!'
-Toni Tombleson

All Toni and other people did was follow the 7 simple steps below.

Researcher Judith Pennington hooked people up to an advanced EEG, and reported these results (Pennington et al., 2019):

EcoMeditation produced extraordinarily high levels of Gamma Synchrony. In two days, many participants acquired elevated brain states normally found only after years of meditation practice. EcoMeditation facilitated participants’ ability to induce and sustain the alpha brain waves characteristic of high-level emotional, mental, and spiritual integration. … participants were able to carry elevated mental states into waking consciousness.

That last sentence is important. You don't just experience elevated emotional states during your meditation practice. When you open your eyes and go about your day, you carry them with you.

Studies are now measuring the precise effects of EcoMeditation. My colleagues and I assessed 208 participants at a one-day retreat. In just 6 hours, their anxiety decreased by 23% and their pain by 19%. Their happiness increased 9%. When we followed up with them 6 months later, we found that they’d maintained their gains in anxiety and depression over time, and were even happier (Church et al., 2019).

In another study, after an EcoMeditation weekend, the baseline cortisol levels of the 34 participants dropped by 29%. Their immune markers rose by 27%. Their resting heart rate, a measure of overall health, improved by 5%, while their pain levels decreased by 43% (Groesbeck et al., 2017).

An Iraq war veteran, Bryce Rogow, wrote a moving story about his experience with EcoMeditation, and how it's helping him heal from traumatic combat experiences. Even weeks of meditation study at a Japanese monastery didn't produce the same results as stumbling across this web page and trying the 7 easy steps below. You can read Bryce's story here.

Traditional meditation is shrouded with so many spiritual and religious beliefs, and takes a lot of practice to master. Sad. So all those people, who would reap the health benefits of meditation, miss out.

I'm so excited about the potential of EcoMeditation that I have given the instructions — free — to hundreds of thousands of people. Here you can read the comments by people who've tried it for the very first time, and been blown away by the results.

Each morning I use EcoMeditation myself, after tapping away any resistance to living in complete 100% alignment with my life's highest possible purpose. Thirty minutes later, when I emerge from EcoMeditation, colors seem brighter, my work load seems lighter, and my levels of optimism and enthusiasm are sky-high. EcoMeditation produces a rush of endorphins and neurotransmitters like serotonin and oxytocin. I'm literally addicted to the positive brain chemistry that meditation produces. EcoMeditation can make us 'feel-good' addicts!

EcoMeditation combines the 'best practices' from EFT, neurofeedback, HeartMath, and mindfulness. Here's a brief 'cut and paste' explanation of EcoMeditation.

Whether you're a newcomer to meditation, or whether you've tried it without success in the past, try this simple 7 step practice.

You'll be surprised at how quickly and effectively you can enter a deep meditative state, and I hope to get you addicted to your own 'feel-good hormones' too!

-Dawson Church

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What Studies Show About Master Meditators: High-resolution MRIs and EEGs are now showing us what’s going on in the body and brain of a meditation master. They have large amounts of the slowest brain waves, alpha, theta and delta, as well as the fastest wave, gamma. They have small amounts of beta, the signature wave of worry and stress. Their bodies generate a unique “cocktail” of 7 hormones and neurotransmitters, including pleasure chemicals like serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. Their nervous systems are firing in “coherence,” relaxed but alert. The happiness centers of their brains are lit up, while the self-absorbed parts shut down. They are literally in “bliss brain.” Amazingly, when novice meditators follow the 7 steps below, “strong echoes” of these very same changes are observed.

The 7 Steps of EcoMeditation

Before you begin, turn off your cell phone, laptop, and alerts. Give yourself the gift of 20 minutes of undisturbed time. You can do this first thing in the morning (my favorite time), last thing at night, or during a break in the day. Sit upright in a quiet place where you won't be interrupted.

1. Use your fingertips to tap on each of the EFT acupressure points in any order, while holding the intention that you are in a calm and peaceful state, and nothing matters except the gift of undisturbed time you are now giving yourself. Tap from top to bottom, and when you get to the last point, start on the first point again. If you don't know the tapping points, you can find them on the diagram below.

This is time just for you. Let all your preoccupations vanish, and allow yourself to be fully present. As you tap, say, 'I release any and all blocks to inner peace. I release all tension in my body. I release anything in my past, present or future that stands between me and inner peace.'

2. Stop tapping and relax your hands. Close your eyes, and let your tongue rest loosely on the floor of your mouth.

3. Feel your hands. Feel your feet. Feel the space inside your hands. Feel the space inside your feet. Feel the space inside your legs, your arms, your torso, your neck and head. Feel the space inside your whole body. Picture a big empty space behind your eyes. Picture a big empty space between your eyebrows. If thoughts arise in your mind at any point during the meditation, just let them go. Watch them drift like clouds across the sky, without attachment.

4. Breathe slowly, for 6 seconds per out-breath, and 6 seconds per in-breath. Count to 6 silently each time you breathe in, and each time you breathe out. Notice how relaxed your tongue is. Picture the big empty space behind your eyes. Keep your tongue relaxed.

If physical sensations arise in your body, such as aches or pains, just observe them. You don't have to do anything about them. Keep your attention focused on your breath, counting 6 seconds in, and 6 seconds out.

5. Visualize the location in your chest where your physical heart resides. Imagine breathing in and out through your heart, while maintaining 6 second in-breaths and 6 second out-breaths. Maintain a relaxed tongue.

6. Imagine a beam of love pouring out through your heart toward a person or place that you love with each out-breath. Stay in this state for several breaths. Notice the big empty space behind your eyes, and how relaxed your tongue is on the floor of your mouth

7. Bring the beam of love back into your body, into the area of your physical heart. Send that love to any part of your body that is uncomfortable or in pain. To end the meditation, take 3 deep 6 second breaths.

When you feel complete with the meditation, return your attention to the room you're in. Open your eyes and look at the object closest to you, and observe its characteristics, such as color, texture, and weight. Shift your gaze and look at the object furthest away from you. Notice your breath. Notice the weight of your body on the chair or on the surface on which you're sitting. Feel your hands and feet. Be aware of the time.

Bring yourself back to the here and now. While a meditative state supports our well-being, it's also vital to orient yourself to the 'real world' and function there effectively at the end of each meditation period.

Do this every day for a week, and you'll notice a difference in how you feel during the rest of the day. Do this every day for a month, and you'll be hooked. It only requires 20 minutes, though you may want to gradually increase your time frame to 30 or 45 minutes.

At EcoMeditation retreats, you'll practice this form of meditation, and become adept at it. You'll also learn all the scientific research that underlies each one of the steps of EcoMeditation, and that make it so effective. You'll also discover how to use it to travel to different states of consciousness in which you can access powerful and wise parts of your self that are inaccessible during ordinary states of consciousness, as well as repairing any parts of your psyche damaged by early childhood trauma.

P.S. Once you've tried it, please write up your experience and share it with others through the

EFT Universe 'Share Your Story' Submission Portal here.

Listen to 7 free EcoMeditation tracks on Insight Timer, the world's largest meditation app, here.

Do EcoMeditation LIVE with Dawson at a workshop. Find one close to you here.

Research on the Beneficial Effects of EcoMeditation

Groesbeck, G., Bach, D., Stapleton, P., Blickheuser, K., Church, D., & Sims, R. (2017). The interrelated physiological and psychological effects of EcoMeditation. Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 23, 1-6. doi: 10.1177/2515690X18759626.

Pennington, J., Sabot, D., & Church, D. (2019). EcoMeditation and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) produce elevated brainwave patterns and states of consciousness. Energy Psycholology: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 11(1).

Church, D., Stapleton, P., & Sabot, D. (2019). Brief EcoMeditation Associated with Psychological Improvements: A Preliminary Study. Global Advances in Health and Medicine, (in press).

EcoMeditation in the News

What Meditation Does to Your Body

EcoMeditation With Dawson Church

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7 Step Eco Meditation

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